Saturday 3 February 2024

Lush Worker - Sear (Album Review)

Release Date: 02nd November 2023. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: DD

Sear - Tracklisting



Mike Vest - Everything


Sear is the new album from Lush Worker which is one of the many experimental creative projects from Mike Vest (BONG, 11 PARANOIAS, BLOWN OUT, Drunk In Hell, Neutraliser and Tomoyuko Trio) which once again takes the listener on a mind-expanding trip of Psychedelic and Distorted Sounds. 

The album is one lengthy singular thirty minute composition with endless feedback loops, distorted guitars, twisted reverb and seedy Amplifier distortion. The song does have echoes of bands such as SUNN 0))), BORIS and The Melvins whilst still being a quintessential Mike Vest release. Sear has a deep Paranoid effect with the song moving into more extreme levels of Psychedelic based Noise Rock with moments of subtle Prog Rock experimentation and freaky metallic heaviness.

Lush Worker does have a Brian Eno effect with the production values with Mike showcasing a different style of delivering his music with Lush Worker. As with previous albums Mike has released or been involved with, Sear has its own sound and identity which remains ultimately captivating despite the singular vision of the whole album. 

Mike has delivered the goods yet again with Lush Worker and knowing Mike he’s probably already has plans to release the next exciting chapter from this cool sounding project which I’ll be waiting patiently for. 

Words by Steve Howe 


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