Tuesday 29 August 2023

Introduce Yourselves: Graveseer

Hi there. Thanks for doing the interview. How are things with you today?

Doing well, thank you for interviewing us! We’re writing new songs and working on tightening up and expanding our current set! Our EP just released on all streaming platforms so you can check it out on Spotify, Apple Music, etc.

For folks not in the know, can you give a brief history of how the band came together and where it is today.

We found each other through social media; our first guitarist Josh, and our drummer Justin, were jamming together and then our bassist Erin came on in August 2022. First three songs were put together pretty quickly and we released our demo tracks on bandcamp. Theo, our guitarist, came on in January 2023. Josh ended up leaving shortly after, due to time constraints. Wrote two more songs, tightened up, recorded, and here we are!

How would you describe your own sound.

We pull from various influences, from punk, metal, doom, stoner, blues, sludge, and blend it into our own unique variant. A few influences include Melvins, DRI, Mastodon, Bell Witch, Holy Serpent, Monolord, King Buffalo, All Them Witches

Why did you call yourselves Graveseer.

Just a fun name we came up with, seer being a prophet or someone who sees into the future. Graveseer is just kind of a dark, interesting band name.

You recently released your new EP Infernal. What can people expect to hear from this record?

The Infernal EP was recorded with our friend Chris, over the period of a few days. Since we all were pretty tight when we recorded, it was easy to just get in and get it done. I think people can expect to hear a raw, doom-ey, sludgy record with heavy drum lines, some sick guitar solos, and just a general fun vibe. We put a lot of effort into this album but had fun doing it. Yeah, it’s definitely a DIY project but it was a great learning process for us all!

What is the creative process or setup within the band? Do you all write the music together or do certain people within the band do that?

Everyone contributes in different ways, for this album we’d jam and record, and figure out song structure together. Erin would go put the structure to a demo track and write some words, come back and try it out and the band would make adjustments from there. Our songs are all collaborative and we just enjoy writing together.

Are you involved with different musical project or bands that folks can check out.

We’re all primarily focused on Graveseer, but there’s definitely a few local projects people can look at. Old Gods, Ride the Sun, Formula 400 and Discount Cadavers are all local San Diego projects with great people and fun music.

Will you be performing any gigs to promote the EP locally or further afield!

We’re just playing shows as they come! We mostly play locally but are definitely willing to travel within a couple hours, since we all have normal 9-5’s. Graveseer is a hobby for us.

Before you go, do you have any words of wisdom for your new and potential fans out there?

If you enjoy the music, let us know! It helps us know if we’re on the right track or not. And thank you for the support!

Words by Graveseer

