Thursday 18 July 2024

Introduce Yourselves: Shadows Of The Sun

What is the name of your band?

Shadows of the Sun

What is the genre of music that you play?

We play heavy psychedelic rock with lots of melody.

Can you give a brief history of the band of how it came together and where it is today?

It all stemmed from a conversation. I work with Paul, the bass player, and one day outside work he saw I was wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and asked if I played. I said I did and used to have a band when I lived back in Manchester. So, we agreed to jam. On that day, he called and asked if his mate could come along and play drums. 

Kester, who is a prominent musician around Madrid hadn't played drums in a band before, but he´s a multi-instrumentalist and took to it quickly. I was quite rusty initially, playing and singing in a full rock band was something I'd gone years without doing. But we bonded over classic rock and grunge, I brought in some influences from the stoner/desert scene which Paul especially has grown to love. 

We´ve built up a decent set of tunes now, one or two covers for good measure. We just jam, usually with a couple of beers and head to the pub afterwards. 

What can people expect from your music?

I'd say there's a heavy focus on crafting songs but with psychedelic passages and room to breathe, also some big heavy riffs and solos, but melodic vocals are a main feature.

What is the best release that folks should check out from your band?

There's just one at the moment! Our EP “Losing My Mind”, which was recorded and produced by Kester.

Where can people find you on Social Media?

We have Facebook and Instagram and you can listen to us on Spotify and the like, and download the EP for free on Bandcamp.
