Wednesday 15 June 2022

Burning Sister Premiere New Song LEATHER MISTRESS

The Band

Steve - Bass/Vox/Synth
Drake - Guitars
Alison – Drums

The Lowdown

Downer Stoner Rockers Burning Sister release their new single Leather Mistress which you can hear below:

The band say this about the new song: 

"Leather Mistress” was born from a random bass riff at one of our first practices dating back about four years or so at this point. Though it has been floating around in demo form and has been a live staple, this recorded version is embellished with background synth and slide guitar. As for the Leather Mistress herself? 

Sure, she can be taken literally, but she also marks the idea behind the unknown, destruction without a clear sense of cause-and-effect, and rebirth…

Thanks to James at Cave Dweller Promotions For All Of The Details
