Saturday, 15 February 2025

Ken Wohlrob - The Conclusion (Single Review)

Release Date: February 14th 2025. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: DD

The Conclusion - Track Listing:

The Conclusion


Ken Wohlrob - Everything 


The Conclusion is the new song from Ken Wohlrob who is better known for his work with Northern Heretic and End Of Hope. This is Ken moving away from his Sludge, Doom and Stoner Metal persona by playing a style of Ambient, Drone and Post-Rock which is delivered by a haunting cinematic theme. The song is deliberately slow but you expect this style as it’s firmly rooted within the realm of Drone music.

Ken calls this music “Soundcape” and it’s a very cool description. This song is more about mood and melody than relying on riffs. The song does remind me of the classic film Blade Runner as it has a retro-futurist outlook in places especially towards the end of the track. The Conclusion won’t be for everyone but if you’re looking for Chillout music then The Conclusion is the track for you. It can be quite gloomy in places with a subtle Post-Doom sound appearing from certain angles. 

There’s a lot to enjoy here and I’m looking forward to hearing more from Ken’s solo work in the future. 

Words by Steve Howe

