Wednesday 11 September 2024

Black Citrus - Glass Mountain (Album Review)

Release Date: September 13th 2024. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: Cassette/Digital

Glass Mountain - Track Listing:

1.Crowded Sky 

2.Shadow of Your Light 

3.Amor Fati

4.7th Song

5.Dionysus' Eyes 

6.One of Us

7.Spit on a Shore

8.Glass Mountain 


Andrius Katinas – Guitar, Vocals

Augustinas Bėkšta – Bass, Vocals

Vaidotas Segenis – Drums


Glass Mountain is the debut album from Psych/Doom/Stoner Metallers Black Citrus who deliver a heavier, aggressive and more daring style of music compared to their 2021 debut EP. The tone is more dramatic and quite gloomier with a Progressive Sludgier direction starting to emerge from the shadows of their Alternative Metal vibe the early parts of the record relies upon. 

Black Citrus have a subtle nineties edge that merges Shoegaze, Grunge and Stoner Metal melodies with an early-to-mid noughties Post-Metal delivery which is quite aggressive within the excellent batch of opening tracks Crowded Sky, Shadow Of Your Light and Amor Fati that allows the band to set the creative tone and melody for the whole record.

The music can be quite catchy at places even with the dark lyrical themes that Black Citrus have written for this record. Heavy jagged instrumental passages has echoes of Ambient Rock interplay before the Alternative Jagged guitars builds upto a fast-paced narrative with excellent heartfelt vocals to match.

Black Citrus could be considered Dark Rock or even Gothic Rock in places as they bring a wicked sounding 1980’s Gothic sound to their debut album but still manage to convey outbursts of modern day Psych, Doom and Stoner Rock which works even better with the low-key Post-Rok interludes within the quieter moments that appear within the album. 

The album works best when Black Citrus operate at maximum volume with a seedier and fuzzier attitude that allows them to play heavier and faster styles of music on tracks such as: Amor Fati, 7th Song and Dionysus Eyes. These tracks alone sees the band asset their own Progressive Stoner Rock/Metal dominance and creating their own style of music that allows them to deliver endless waves of Psychedelic Doom with that emotionally charged DARK ROCK persona shining through within the epic vocals from Andrius and Augustinas fully sealing the deal.

Glass Mountain can be quite distorted and powered along by subtle flashes of AMPLIFIER DISTORTION which the band use more and more to their complete advantage on the final stages of the record especially within the final two tracks of Spit On A Shore and Glass Mountain which are perhaps the standout tracks on the whole album.

Black Citrus are a highly inventive band taking many daring risks within this album and delivering an emotionally charged and dynamite based release that deserves your maximum attention.

Excellent and Highly Recommended.

Words by Steve Howe

Thanks to The Metallist PR PR for the promo.

Glass Mountain will be available to buy on Cassette/Digital from Friday 13th September 2024.


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