Saturday 14 September 2024

Tripping Haze Ceremony - Indicat (Album Review)

Release Date: September 13th 2024. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: DD

Indicat - Track Listing:

1.Indicat 06:37

2.Sabbath’s Bell 09:22

3.Red Eyes Downer 09:07

4.Curse Of The Witches’ Grave 03:42

5.Bed Tundy 09:27

6.Religious Rider 10:54


Epulyard - Guitars/Vocals

Sara - Bass

Lem - Drum


Indicat is the new album from Malaysian Doom/Stoner Metallers Tripping Haze Ceremony (THC) who lay on the Psychedelic Fuzzy Amplifier Reverb from the very start of the record with homages to bands such as Black Sabbath, Church Of Misery, SLEEP and WEEDEATER being used as a great reference. The album delightfully sees a seedy and sadistic attitude starting to form within the epic opening title track of Indicat.

The downtuned sludgy instrumental parts are played at a subtle slow pace with Sara’s powerful bass playing creating an electric atmosphere for Lem’s Drums dictate the action and Epulyard’s muscular and aggressive guitars lead the music into a modern violent landscape of hazy WEEDIAN groove. The excellent choice of audio samples is what gives Indicat such an unpredictable quality where you can see the Church Of Misery reference come through.

Second track Sabbath’s Ball opens with a heavier and faster style of music which oozes that classic SABBATHIAN sound. The music is delightfully creepy with raw-sounding production values allowing THC to demonstrate their love for all things FUZZ and DOOM based. There’s a slight nod to Electric Wizard with some of the lyrics and Epulyard’s vocals may seem laid back but he brings a sinister persona to the party. The majority of the songs on Indicat are quite long but THC keep things moving along at a very cool pace with their sublime creative choices of downtuned progressive sludgy passages which can be quite melodic in places without giving up its epic DOOM METAL surroundings.

The production values are quite sparse indeed with the whole surroundings allowing the record to feel that it was recorded in the 1970’s and being discovered by today’s modern audience. The album still sounds superb and makes you buy into THC’s overall creepy and demented WEEDIAN persona. The album was recorded live and gives Indicat a more authentic and grimy sound which only becomes heavier and sinister on the other parts of the record.

Third track Red Eyes Downer finds the right balance of Occult Doom Metal dominance and the low tuned energy of Stoner Metal with a grimy Sludge Metal attitude starting to form. The music is played at a devilish slow-to-mid pace but THC excel conjures up moments of classic sounding AMPLIFIER DISTORTED mayhem that add superb elements of OCCULT HYSTERIA to the mix.

Fourth track Curse Of The Witches Grave is a gloomy instrumental Occult Doom number which feels inspired by GOBLIN and the works of Dario Argento. It’s a very cool and moody piece which feels quite different to the rest of the album but works overall within the whole creative narrative for Indicat.

The final two tracks of Bed Tundy and Religious Rider sees THC go all out with the heaviest, freakiest and aggressive sounds of the record. Uncomfortable audio clips generate the perfect and unsettling mood for Bed Tundy with THC playing those long drawn out Sludge/Stoner based AMPLIFIER grooves that’s spiced with extra demonic heaviness. Religious Rider allows THC to end the album on a downbeat and seedy note which is how Indicat started.

Tripping Haze Ceremony have released a great album that portrays the perfect picture of the seedy underbelly of the underground Doom, Sludge and Stoner Metal scene that I’ve been missing for the last few months.

Indicat is an absolute blast to listen from start to finish and I loved every twisted seedy thing about the album. If Tripping Haze Ceremony isn't on your radar then they should be after this outstanding album.

Words by Steve Howe


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