Tuesday 17 September 2024

Introduce Yourselves: Primate Matriarca

What is the name of your band?

Primate Matriarca

What is the genre of music that you play?

Stoner primitive metal

Can you give a brief history of the band of how it came together and where it is today?

The University of Wisconsin made surprising discoveries in 2024 at an archaeological site in Alicante thanks to a new technique known as paleophony. The team of archaeologists has managed to extract latent sound material in fossil remains dating back between 40 and 50,000 years, that is, during the ice age. After the analysis, it was decided to transcribe this material into musical language, which will be performed by a guitar and drum duo, Joan Lorenzo and Tristán Rico respectively.

What can people expect from your music?

According to Dr. P. G. Berry, the material that makes up these prehistoric pieces consists of “heavy rhythms, riffs that move to the rhythm of a mastodon and cryptic and hypnotic voices”.

According to the expert, the most suitable sound for their interpretation could be somewhere between Black Sabbath and Slift.

What is the best release that folks should check out from your band?

Our first EP, Pleistoceno, check the videoclip “Noche sin estrellas” on Youtube.

Where can people find you on Social Media?
