Thursday 25 January 2024

BREATHS - Melt Away (EP Review)

Release Date: 19th January 2024. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: DD

Melt Away - Tracklisting

fade apart

barbarella (melt away)




Alternative/Doomgaze/Post-Metallers BREATHS are back with their new EP Melt Away which serves as a preview of their upcoming full length album. Melt Away is a collection of haunting and emotionally charged sounds that sees BREATHS move across the Post-Metal spectrum with moments of Doomgaze, Grunge and a healthy does of Post-Black Metal distortion witin the EP's heaviest moments. It's been a while since I've ventured into BREATHS creative world and I've forgotten how wonderfully complex their music can actually be. Drawing influences upon bands such as Deftones, Spotlights Deafheaven, Cult Of Luna and Russian Circles with a passionate outlook across over musical sounds such as Grunge and Alt Metal. 

The four tracks that make up Melt Away lasts for over sixteen minutes in length with BREATHS merging the Post-Blackened/Doomgaze grooves with the more mellower Alt Rock and Post-Rock sounds of the EP. There's a lush vocal delivery being sung throughout each song even when the moody environment transpires to be more Sludge/Post-Metal orientated.

The production values are quite unapologetic with it's aggressive and raw sounding moments but BREATHS brings a 1980's and 1990's Alt Rock perspective to the EP. The use of different Ambient textures really shines through and comes alive on the standout tracks of barbarella (melt away) and waves with a classic GRUNGE aspect being played against a flurry of down-tuned sludgy guitars and trippy psychedelic elements. 

Melt Away could have maybe used one final longer track to draw all the different sounds, creative ideas and heavy themes together for final push of aggression. However, that hasn't stopped BREATHS delivering a powerful and emotionally charged release which has got myself excited for the upcoming full length album. 

Words by Steve Howe 


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