Sunday 30 June 2019

UK Festival News - Revenge Of The End Of The World Festival Announce Full Line-Up

End Of The World festival in Plymouth is in their third year, showcasing some of the best stoner, psych, doom and sludge metal bands in the UK. This year they've expanded to include Dead Witches, featuring the legendary Mark Greening (ex-Electric Wizard). 

These are exclusive South-West shows for many of these acts; the event typically showcases the South-West scene but has expanded to include Manchester's Ritual King, Welsh alt-stoner act Heavy on the Ride and London-based blues-doom outfit Oak. In their third outing, they're stronger than ever and hoping for their best turnout yet.

The event takes place between The Underground and The Junction in Plymouth on 06.07.19.

The bands playing are:

Mother Vulture
Heavy on the Ride
Gandalf the Green
Ritual King
Cybernetic Witch Cult
Elephant Tree
Mother Vulture

Tickets are £15 in advance or £17 OTD

Ticket link:

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