Aided and abetted once more by fellow countrymen and peddler of all things heavy, Majestic Mountain Records, much like his 2022 debut Vemod his follow-up is another uncompromising labour of love for the Monolord man. Where his previous album touched upon aspects of classic country and singer/songwriter-centred material, Mørker takes a confident step into the unknown and finds Hakki painting a broader range of styles with a defter and more masterly stroke. From dreamy progressive pop to raw tripped-out proto-punk, hidden within these compositions are hints and hammer blows from the back catalogues of The Stooges, Pink Floyd and even the Americana thrum of Neil Young.
As Hakki himself explains, “Mørker continues the same path which my previous album started. Looking back, looking in and forward, trying to embrace the darkness while finding your place in it. In the darkest of times, you must look into the core to pick apart the strains and see what makes it tick.”
Joined by Klas-Henrik Hörngren on keys, Krister Selander on bass and drummer Kristoffer Ragnstam, who also produced the album alongside Hakki at LÜXFÄLLAN Studios, Mørker by Mika Häkki will be released worldwide via Majestic Mountain Records on 11th April 2025. As premiered on The Obelisk recently, stream and share his new single ‘Take this Light Away’
1. Take This Light Away [Listen]
2. When You're Old
3. Time Stood Still
4. Couch Anthem
5. Makes No Sense
6. Another Reason to Stay
7. Weighted Daze
Artist: Mika Häkki
Album: Mørker
Record Label: Majestic Mountain Records
Formats: Digital
Release Date: 11/04/2025
Thanks to Sheltered Life PR for all of the details.