Sunday 5 September 2021

Band To Check Out - Sound Animal

Sound Animal is an Experimental Avant-Garde or One Person Artist. As this fantastic project is the work of one hugely talented individual. Sound Animal play a lot of different styles of music such as Doom Metal, Psych Metal, Stoner Metal, Folk, Post-Rock and Post-Metal.

Their BandCamp Page is overflowing with awesome songs that are quite diverse, weird and unusual but also thrilling examples of Doom Metal and Stoner Metal such as Listen Around and Walk Your Mastodon being my two personal favourites of the entire collection.

Though Sound Animal show their Post-Rock/Post-Metal side on tracks such as: End Of Neverending and Before And After Ghosts.

Sound Animal play every instrument themselves and there's a lot of different instruments depending on what style or genre the song actually is.

Check out Sound Animal. There's bound to be something you like. I believe Sound Animal has a new album coming out soon and I for one will be checking that out when

Words by Steve Howe