Thursday 6 January 2022

Patriarchs In Black release single Demon Of Regret

Brooklyn native Johnny Kelly and NJ guitarist Dan Lorenzo have both played in more than a handful of bands. Lorenzo was the founding member of both Hades and Non-Fiction and most recently Vessel Of Light and Cassius King. He even wrote the music with Bobby Blitz' first foray outside of Overkill in 2007 with The Cursed. Kelly first came into prominence with Type O Negative and has also sat behind the kit for Danzig for nearly two decades. 

Kelly has also performed with Black Label Society, A Pale Horse Name Death, and currently Quiet Riot and Silvertomb. Before now the two have never recorded anything together.

"I honestly don't remember how I first got in contact with Johnny", Lorenzo stated. "I know we've had some email contact together for a while, and I remember originally being flattered that Johnny even know who I was."

Kelly stated, "I liked the riffs that Dan sent me and it's a great opportunity to get to play with different people." When Kelly was asked what he brings to the table for Patriarch In Black he came back with, " I'm not really sure. I consider myself to be an average drummer at best. It must be my charming personality!"

The duo have named this project PATRIARCHS IN BLACK. Lorenzo wrote the music and plays guitar, Kelly is behind the kit.

PATRIARCHS IN BLACK will have multiple vocalists. Karl Agell ( former COC) , Dewey Bragg ( Kill Devil Hill) Rob Dukes ( former Exodus), Rob Traynor ( Black Water Rising) and John Kosco ( Dropbox) have each already agreed to sing at least one song.
When pressed for a description of how the music sounds Kelly said, "All roads lead to Black Sabbath!".

The first single Demon of Regret features Kelly, Lorenzo, Karl Agell on vocals and Dave Neabore ( Dog Eat Dog) on bass. Demon Of Regret is the very first song Lorenzo and Agell ever wrote together. Lorenzo wrote the music. Lyrically Agell said the track is

"About choices made and paths not taken, and our inability to go back no matter how much we wish we could. Consequences. Guilt. Anguish."

Patriarchs In Black will release a full album on Germany's MDD Records

Hear the first single from PATRIARCHS IN BLACK at :