Sunday 2 June 2024

GURT - SATAN ETC (Album Review)

Release Date: June 07th 2024. Record Label: When Planets Collide. Formats: Cassette/CD/DD/Vinyl

SATAN ETC: Tracklisting

1.The Most Dying Way to Die  

2.Knife Fever  

3.In for a Penny, In for a Pounding  

4.Appetite for Construction  

5.Doi of the Doid  

6.Ennui Go  

7.Exit as you enter  

8.Sandworm Fleshlight  

9.Electric Brown

Band Members

Gareth Kelly - Vocals

Rich Williams - Guitar

David Blakemore - Bass Guitar

Bill Jacobs - Drums


UK Sludge Metallers GURT make a welcome return to the scene with their fantastically titled new album SATAN ETC. The record is their first album in five years with the band bringing their trademark riff-tastic blend of Sludge/Stoner Metal sounds to the underground masses and it feels like they have never been away. Their brilliantly off the wall humour is still there which you can see by the excellent album cover, the superb song titles and the great lyrics the band have written for SATAN ETC.

The music is full of harsh and abrasive Sludge Metal grooves with the Doomed Out appetite that GURT affectionately call PARTY DOOM being one of the main highlights for the band to build their music upon. GURT have always had a deep respect and fascination for the legendary NOLA sound within their previous albums and SATAN ETC is no different but the band try their hand out layering down some epic thrash blast beats and psychedelic energy within the creative scope of the album. 

SATAN ETC can be downright ugly in places on tracks such as The Most Dying Way To Die, Knife Fever and In For A Penny, In For A Pounding. GURT channels the classic era of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Excess whilst providing a downbeat Sludge and NOLA driven score within their music. Gareth Kelly’s superb vocals are brutal and relevant as ever where he provides some of the harshest performances I’ve heard from him to date.

There’s also a bruising HARDCORE influence to the album that starts to fully take over throughout the course of the album with GURT playing more aggressive sounds which feels like it’s came from a totally different band when compared to their last record. The pummelling beatdowns and thrash metal obsessed movements really start to impress more and more on tracks such as Appetite For Construction, Doi Of The Doid, Ennui Go and brutally sublime final track Electric Brown.

GURT’s style of PARTY DOOM has evolved into a more destructive style of Doom/Sludge Metal which sees the band perhaps leave the STONER METAL era of their music fully behind and embrace the more primal sound that the NOLA and SLUDGE worlds ultimately delivers.

SATAN ETC is a brilliantly entertaining and that’s what I always expect from GURT. As they always deliver the goods and SATAN ETC Is no different. Welcome back GUYS. You’ve been missed. 

PARTY DOOM season is finally here and SATAN ETC is the perfect album to celebrate it with. 

Words by Steve Howe

Thanks to For The Lost for the promo.

SATAN ETC will be available to buy on Cassette/CD/DD/Vinyl via When Planets Collide from Friday 07th June 2024.


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