Friday 31 May 2024

Exclusive Premiere Of Psych Stoner Rockers REDWOOD New EP - DRY RIVERS

Aural bliss is a fleeting sensation, forever chased in psychedelic music, and California's REDWOOD don't miss a beat in capturing that magic with ease on their second EP "DRY RIVERS". Featuring part of fellow Cali rockers Deer Lord, the band combine spacey, soaring atmospheres with righteously toned stoner riffs, conjuring up expansive and airtight grooves across the album's four tracks.

REDWOOD exist at the same nexus of psychedelia and stoner rock where the likes of Howling Giant, King Buffalo, and Asteroid reside, with a decidedly crunchy, doom-tinged edge coloring their personal corner of the cosmos. Space-age soundscapes and soaring vocals send listeners into sci-fi reveries, while booming drums and burly riffage bring them back down to earth none too gently.

"DRY RIVERS" is a trip in the truest sense of the word, fueled by the winning combo of groove, fuzz, and loads of atmosphere.

You can hear to the exciting Psychedelic Cosmic Stoner Rock Journey of DRY RIVERS below courtesy of the good folks over at Good Boy PR.


"Started in mid 2022, REDWOOD is a heavy psych/rock n roll project from the valleys of Northern California. Following the first self titled EP from 2022, REDWOOD is back with another burst of interdimentional energy with a new EP titled 'DRY RIVERS'. Coming in at just over 20 minutes, and much like the debut EP, 'DRY RIVERS' is intended to be the soundtrack for a foggy mountain drive through the redwood forests of Northern California. With song topics covering everything from American culture wars, to stories of extraterrestrial beings riding motorcycles on the rim of a black hole. We hope you enjoy this album just as much as we enjoyed making it."

Thanks to Good Boy PR for the all of the details.

Dry Rivers will be available to buy digitally from Saturday 1st June 2024.
