Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Freak Folk of Mangrovia - Tales Beyond The Firmament (Album Review)

Release Date: June 28th 2024. Record Label: No Profit Recordings. Formats: CD/DD/Vinyl

Tales Beyond The Firmament: Tracklisting

Astral Nomads

Dancing In The Dunes

Cosmic Druids

Unveiling Empyreal Runes


Dina Ivas - Bass

Ivo Juričić - Guitar 

Lena Crnković - Drums

Luka Kiseljak - Guitar/Synthesizer.


I got a download of this album and it has blown my mind. Along the lines of Robot God, Clouds Taste Satanic and other epic, doomy psy space rockers, this album deserves a listen and most likely a purchase.

The opening track Astral Nomads weaves a sonic tapestry reminiscent of some of the best space psy rock acts on the scene, think like Clouds Taste Satanic or early Spaceslug. The music is moody and adventurous. The searing solos dancing around excellent rhythm work from the drum and bass made me feel like the guys on the album cover...dominated by giant mushrooms on a distant planet. The guitar work is stellar. My kind of stuff right here. This proves to be a great start for an album I had no expectations from. 

The second track Dancing In The Dunes found me wandering out of a cave in the middle of the night, the sky illuminated by the Milky Way lighting up the sky. A sense of intrigue and wonder is quickly replaced by the reality of an epic desolate desert dawn, erupting with a killer riff. The guitar tone on this one is really solid. The vocals kick in and they are perfect for the mood of the song. I love instrumentals, but the vocals here add to the song, bringing it up a level. Dance in the Dunes indeed... drips with desert rock goodness. Excellent cut!

Cosmic Druids are my favorite kind. Once again, the band sets a spacy, atmospheric mood. Feeling like high priests descending onto the unprepared masses, the first riff moves in and proceeds to melt faces. This is the space psy rock I love. The driving rhythm moves you like an ionic overdrive pushing a monstrous spaceship out of orbit while the guitar provides the feeling of anticipation of an uncertain future... maneuvering expertly into the last cut.

Unveiling Empyreal Runes feels like the discovery is being made, contact has been achieved! The guitar kicks in with heavy riffage while the bass and drums continue to move the project forward with a looming, impending doom. The absolute drama of the last track will grab you and make you wonder what the hell is happening next. The vocals are really good. Clean. This is what you expect from a good space rock band at the least. This track is awesome! 

Tales From Beyond The Firmament is one of my favorites so far this year! Perfect for a few grams of mushrooms and some really nice weed (or sober as fuck, this album doesnt need that really). Listen to it outside under a moonlit sky with headphones or blast it if your neighbors don't suck. But listen to it. It's excellent!

Words by S Patrick Brooks

Thanks to No Profit Recordings for the promo.

Tales From Beyond The Firmament will be available to buy on CD/DD/Vinyl via No Profit Recordings from Friday 28th June 2024.

