Sunday 23 June 2024

Satan, Riffs, Gigs and ETC - An Interview With Gareth Kelly From Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metallers GURT

UK Sludge/Stoner Metallers GURT return in a big way with their outstanding new album SATAN ETC. This is their first album in five years and it sees the band return with a HEAVIER and FILTHIER style of music with a bleak cynical outlook at times but still fused with GURT's well known comedic humour.

I've been a huge fan of GURT ever since I heard their 2014 debut album HORRENDOSAURUS which firmly established the band within the UK Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal scene. They've released a string of well received albums since then with SATAN ETC perhaps being their best effort to date.

I caught up with Gareth Kelly (Vocals) from the band to discuss the making of the new album.

So read on for a great interview.

Hi Gareth. Thanks for doing the interview. How are things with you today.

Lots going on, its been a mixed year so far, but we are getting through it all so far. These past few weeks have been particularly taxing but so pleased to have this album out finally and pleased its been so well received! So relieved haha

Welcome back. It's been a long time. We're here to discuss your new album Satan etc. What can people expect from the album.

Our heaviest material yet, but still with the same tongue in cheek vibes and groovy riffs you would expect from GURT, along with a few 'BLEURGGH's' thrown in for good measure!

How would you describe your overall sound for your new album Satan etc.

We have definitely evolved abit, it sounds massive, but like i said before still with the trafemark GURT sound. Lots of stop start breaks, and some good little drops. Spicy has been listening to lots of hardcore whilst writing and it shows.

Where did the name Satan etc. for the album come from

Its basically the most metal way of summarising our vibe, Bit of Satan and a bit of other things like that... As always its a bit of a tongue in cheek pop at the "heavy rock" world!

Was this an easy or hard album to record compared to your previous albums

It was hard due to what has happened in the lead up to it all, 5 years is a long time for us as we are used to getting new material out every 1-2 years. But when we get together it comes pretty easy. We agree on a lot and we know each other so well, writing happens quite organically and we do most of it all together in the practice room. The biggest challenge was just getting us all in a room together, particularly during and after lockdowns!

What is the creative process or setup within the band? Do you write the music together or do certain people within the band do that.

Yeah, we do it all together. Spicy usually comes with a riff bank and he and Billy will work their magic as a rhythm section and Rich comes in with the riffs, I (Gareth) usually pay close attention and write lyrics as the song comes together in real time. I always have rough lyrics or ideas ready, and fit around what comes together as a group.

Photo by Mithun Shah

Did your daily struggles, challenges and uplifting moments in life shape up the creative outline for the album

For me, absolutely! Life has been tough for us all in various different ways in the lead up to this, and a lot of the lyrical content is about the trials and tribulations of life. But it also celebrates some of the wonderful things too. Its definitely the most reflective I have been lyrically.

I thought you guys had split up and I was happy to see you were back. Obviously COVID hit things in a big way. Were there any other hurdles that GURT faced when making this album.

WHAT! Really!? We have tried so very hard to keep active. Even if that has been through producing a truck load of merch over the past few years but we were, and are no where near splitting up (yet!) I have had 2 kids since Bongs of Praise was released so we have not done quite as many shows in the past few years, but none of us would describe that as a hurdle. Just older, fatter and more responsibilities than before.

It's also good to see When Planets Collide releasing the album as well. How active is WPC currently within today's scene. Will WPC be releasing more records or promoting gigs like they did in the past. Or is there no long term plans as of yet.

I really don't do much with it anymore, since I moved away from London to the Midlands in 2018 the label has only released GURTs last 2 albums. At the same time I stepped away from my involvement in Desertfest too, but I have done a hand full of promoted gigs in Leicester with varying success, I will look to do more soon but again, the pandemic didn't help. But now more than ever, its important to keep the grassroots scene alive so definitely want to get back into promoting again, and when that happens I am obviously going to have to return to the Windmill in Brixton as it was my home for 10 years!

You're from London, UK. We all know what that there's a thriving Hard Rock/Heavy Metal scene there. However, is there a thriving gig scene and community that allows you (GURT) to perform regularly or do you have to travel further afield to perform on a regular basis.

We play all over, and I think we are lucky in that most of the shows we play, we are approached to play. I think we have always been compatible with a few different "scenes" but mainly play with other Doom, sludge bands. Basically, if the show looks fun and its somewhere we like and/or have never played before we shall do it. That way we have met loads of different people and played with lots of different genres of bands. One thing that has dried up completely is our European travel, and you can thank Brexit for that! We miss going to mainland Europe, especially France where we had a pretty big following 

What future gigs have you coming up and will you be promoting the album more this year

Sadly, we have something going on in the band meaning we cannot play live for a while. So it means we have been unable to plan any big tours or shows for a little while. We are hoping to be back soon but we do have some indoor festival shows planned late in 2024 and into early 2025. Next up is Riffolution Festival in Manchester in September so we are very excited about that one!

What are your favourite venues when you have toured in the past. Any particular venues or locations you always look forward to when touring.

We always love the Black Heart and The Windmill in London as they are our spiritual homes and we have played them tons of times, The Alma in Bolton has always been wild and we have so many great memories of that place over the years, Club 85 in Hitchin has always been amazing and we are gutted to see that go. And Glazart in Paris has always been incredible to play, but sadly that may never happen again!

How would you describe the live GURT experience.

Silly, sweaty and crotch wobbly!

What bands or artists influenced you to pick up an instrument and to become a musician.

We all have such different influences, but to chuck some names out there. Iron Monkey, Raging Speedhorn, Will Haven, Faith no More, Tool, Primus, Manowar, The Hives, Kyuss, Cradle of Filth, Limp Bizkit, Bodycount, Clutch, Dopefight and White Zombie!

Do you have any side projects that folks can check out.

YES!! Go check out BRUME which is Jamie (our original guitarists band!) Obviously Sedulus which has been Rich's baby since a teenager, and Billy has been in so many bands over the years (Diesel King and Trippy Wicked) but currently is in Hanowar and the Space Wasters.

And I was asked by a fan of the band. Will you ever release any more brilliant covers like you have in the past and if so can it be another Xmas themed cover like Little Donkey and Walking In The Air.

Ha ha, amazing. Lets just say that every time we finish an album we plot to release a covers album, but can never agree on what to put on it, as we have so many ideas! Having just finished 'Satan etc' we are having this conversation again, lets hope it goes somewhere... Keep them fingers crossed!

Before you go, do you have any words of wisdom for your fans currently out there.


Words by Steve Howe and Gareth Kelly

Thanks to For The Lost PR for all the photos and for arranging this interview. Thanks to Gareth for taking the time to do the interview.

SATAN ETC is available to buy now on Cassette/CD/DD/Vinyl via When Planets Collide


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