Thursday 20 June 2024

Sementales Salvejes - Umbral III (Album Review)

Release Date: June 03rd 2022. Record Label: Self Released. Formats: DD

Umbral III: Tracklisting

1.Cráter 08:45

2.Umbral 05:51

3.La Comunicación Entre Los Mundos 08:15

4.Ciclos Ilusorios 05:29

5.Al Borde Del Misterio 07:44


Isaac Sánchez - Drums

José Peyro - Bass

Isaac Sosa - Guitar


I was not familiar with Sementales Salvejes before I found this album the other day. I have a fondness for Central and South American metal and doom, but I have not listened to many bands from a beautiful country to the north, Mexico. That's definitely going to change as I am very impressed with this album, Umbral III.

This stellar 3 piece band released this album 2 years ago, but I just found it. If you know, you probably know, but if you don't, definitely give it a spin!

When I put this on the first track, Cráter, I immediately felt the weight of this record, Sementales Salvajes doesn't fuck around. The rumbling open of the album immediately grabs you and pulls you down but before you hit the floor the searing guitar work snaps you back up. Your head will begin to nod. Your face will have that scrunched up half smile that defines your worship of the riff. Your hands will probably form devil horns. This is a good sign of things to come.

The opening song on this album riffs HARD. Excellent guitar tone and beat down drumming set the mood...the gravity is thick here on planet Sementales Salvejes. This is the type of song that got me into the heavy underground and man, I really feel this jam. Buckle up! It's a really fun 8:45 ride.

The next cut, the title track, completely caught me off guard. Pretty, but dark guitar and bass play over a slow drum a Gothic beach scene at the beginning of a romantic horror flick. As the song picks up it, one can feel the sun shining through with an optimistic guitar lead. The song has a really pleasant psychedelic feel. If you played doom at a campfire you might play this. The track is different and unexpected and a really interesting insight on the band in my opinion. In the midst of their darkness there is a light. It's a refreshing contrast to the rest of the album.

Don't worry though, its dark and heavy again for the 3rd track. SS is a heavy band. Like Sun Crow, they bring a sense of concern and awareness of the darkness of the world. This album definitely dooms and this cut is a great example of it. Theatrical changes keep everything interesting during another tight 8 minute song. The band seems very focused and the songs don't wander off in meaningless directions. La Comminication is a ripper. 

The 4th track, Ciclos Ilusorios, has a more desert sound than the previous cuts. Faster, driving drums, bass and guitars propel this song into a firestorm of riffy goodness. SS is an instrumental band that really does an amazing job of conveying emotions. I love when I get an emoyional reaction from the pure passion of the people behind the instruments. I get the feels listening to SS. The searing guitar solos here will make you smile while still gritting your teeth. These are guitar solos with meaning; no boring noodling is going on in this record. Ciclos Ilusorios is a very fun song!

The final track is back to the heavies. The bass and guitar sound amazing with a slow Monolord-ish riff that just descends like a comet smashing into a distant moon. The feel here is slow and low, classic doom. This song pairs well with cloudy beaches, a good microbrew and perhaps some classic Acopolco Gold. The band closes with another nearly 8 minute song that is tight and all killer and...amazing!

This album has me excited to listen to more from Sementales Salvajes and also do some digging into the Mexican doom scene. Muy excellente!

Check this album out, Sementales Salvejes - Umbral IIIl! These guys deserve a listen!  

Words by S Patrick Brooks


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