SOMNUS THRONE is Heavy Psych Doom from California -
We are so stoked to announce that the heavy psych doom riffers Somnus Throne has signed a worldwide deal with Heavy Psych Sounds for their new album !!!
PRESALE + first track premiere from APRIL 6th
"Heavy Psych Sounds was our first choice. They're doing so much all over right now, it's huge. We mostly sent it to them as a joke but I guess the riff gods were looking down on us or something because they got back to us quick and we're stoked to hear that! The doom must flow."
Somnus Throne is a three-piece formed way back in 2016 in a cacophony of underground heavy music shows, leaking warehouse ceilings, and perpetual sedation of one kind or another. While their members have haunted many a '5 dollar-at-the-door, Monday through Friday no rent crash-pad, repurposed crack-house turned venues' from New Orleans to Portland, they are based in Los Angeles, California. They mostly flew under the radar until the release of their first album "Self Titled" on Burning World Records (of Roadburn Festival fame) in 2020.
Their current roster boasts one Matt Davis on drums, Ansel Bretz on bass, and Evan on guitar/vox. Various music critics who each can't seem to understand their origins at least agree that Somnus Throne is a 3-piece band that plays doom, heavy psych, stoner and grunge akin to Dead Meadow, Acid King, Electric Wizard, Sleep, Black Rainbows, OM, Dopelord and Vokonis with a healthy dose of Black Sabbath (as always).

Evan – vocals/guitars
Ansel Bretz – bass
Matt Davis – drums
Thanks to Claire at Purple Sage PR for all of the press details.